1. Find out the source of the problem
To resolve the problem, you and he must try to find the source of the problem. You have to determine where the problem is, before then decide what action you want to take.
2. Do not despair
When you and your partner lose confidence in your ability to solve these problems, it can make you feel satisfied in your relationship. So, do not ever lose confidence in each other. Instead, any challenge should be able to make you become more powerful.
3. Do not discourage your partner
Although the initial goal is to support each other, your words might have broken his spirit. So, do not ever break the spirit of your partner, when he or both of you are in difficult times. The important thing is that you keep giving him the spirit and keep pushing forward.
4. Believe in each other
It is the most important thing you should do when you are in difficult times. Believe in each other is the best way to fight the storm that confront a love relationship.
5. Listen to each other
Avoid making decisions without consulting first with your partner. This attitude will make your partner know that you respect his opinion, and he also played an important role in your life.
6. Acknowledge the error
When you are wrong, try to recognize it. A healthy relationship is based on how free you both admit fault with each other, and not trying to throw the blame on others.
Here are some things you can do with your partner when you get through the tough times in your relationship....
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